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What is Cursor and What are it's different types?
What is Deadlock in Sql Server

Cursor vs While Loop in Sql Server


Using a While Loop Instead of Cursors in SQL Server

If you have ever worked with cursors, you may find this title a bit confusing because after all, cursors uses while constructs to iterate between rows. But besides that, I want to show you that in some circumstances when we use a cursor to iterate over a set of rows we can change it to a while loop. In such cases, the only challenge will be to choose a proper exit condition.

Pros and Cons of Using Cursors to Iterate Through Table Rows in SQL Server

Not everything is wrong with cursors, they also have some advantages over other looping techniques.

  • Cursors are updatable: When you create a cursor, you use a query to define it using the DECLARE CURSOR instruction. By using the UPDATE option in the cursor creation statement, you can update the columns within the cursor.
  • You can move forward and backward in a cursor: By using the SCROLL option in the DECLARE CURSOR statement you can navigate across the cursor records in both directions with the fetch options FIRST, LAST, PRIOR, NEXT, RELATIVE and ABSOLUTE. Keep in mind that the SCROLL option is incompatible with the FORWARD_ONLY and FAST_FORWARD options.
  • Cursors can be passed to stored procedures: If you use the GLOBAL option to create a cursor, it can be used in any stored procedure or batch executed in the same connection. This allows you to use cursors on nested stored procedures.
  • Cursors have a lot of different options: With cursors you have the chance to use different options that affects how they will behave in regards to locking.
  • Cursors don’t need a condition: By using cursors, you are handling a set of rows as a record. This allows you to move across the cursor without the need of having a Boolean condition. For example, you can create a cursor with the name of the databases residing on a SQL Server instance without the need of a surrogate key to work as a test condition like on a WHILE loop.

There are also some negative aspects that you should be aware when using cursors instead of other looping options.

  • If you use global cursors in your code you are taking the risk of facing errors due to a cursor being closed by some stored procedure nested in your code.
  • Usually cursors have less performance than an equivalent loop using a WHILE loop or CTE.

Pros and Cons of Using a While Loop to Iterate Through Table Rows in SQL Server

There are also benefits to use a WHILE loop compared to a cursor.

  • While loops are faster than cursors.
  • While loops use less locks than cursors.
  • Less usage of Tempdb: While loops don’t create a copy of data in tempdb as a cursor does. Remember that cursors, depending on the options you use to create them can cause the temp tables to be created.

The next list details the negative aspects of WHILE loops.

  • Moving forward or backward is complex: To move forward or backward in a loop you need to dynamically change the iteration condition inside the loop. This requires extra care; otherwise you can end up in an infinite loop.
  • The risk of an infinite loop: Compared to a cursor, you don’t have a fixed set of data to loop (i.e. the data returned by the SELECT statement in the cursor declaration), instead when using a WHILE loop you have to define a boundary with an expression that is evaluated to true or false.

What is Cursor and What are it's different types?

What is a SQL Server Cursor

A SQL Server cursor is a set of T-SQL logic to loop over a predetermined number of rows one at a time.  The purpose for the cursor may be to update one row at a time or perform an administrative process such as SQL Server database backups in a sequential manner.  SQL Server cursors are used for Development, DBA and ETL processes.

A Cursor impacts the performance of the SQL Server since it uses the SQL Server instances' memory, reduce concurrency, decrease network bandwidth and lock resources. Hence it is mandatory to understand the cursor types and its functions so that you can use suitable cursor according to your needs.

You should avoid the use of the cursor. Basically you should use cursor alternatives like as WHILE loop, sub queries, Temporary tables and Table variables. We should use cursor in that case when there is no option except cursor.

These are steps for using a cursor:

Creating a SQL Server cursor is a consistent process.  Once you learn the steps you are easily able to duplicate them with various sets of logic to loop through data. 

Let's walk through the steps:

  1. Declare your variables (file names, database names, account numbers, etc.) that you need in the logic and initialize the variables.
    • This logic would be updated based on your needs.
  2. Declare cursor with a specific name (i.e. db_cursor in this tip) that you will use throughout the logic along with the business logic (SELECT statement) to populate the records the cursor will need. The cursor name can be anything meaningful.  This is immediately followed by opening the cursor.
    • This logic would be updated based on your needs.
  3. Fetch a record from cursor to begin the data processing.
    • NOTE - There are an equal of number of variables declared for the cursor, columns in the SELECT statement and variables in the Fetch logic.  In the example in this tip there is only one variable, one column selected and variable fetched, but if five pieces of data were needed for the cursor then five variables would need to be selected and fetched as well.
  4. The data process is unique to each set of logic. This could be inserting, updating, deleting, etc. for each row of data that was fetched. This is the most important set of logic during this process that is performed on each row.
    • This logic would be updated based on your needs.
  5. Fetch the next record from cursor as you did in step 3 and then step 4 is repeated again by processing the selected data.
  6. Once all of the data has been processed, then you close cursor.
  7. As a final and important step, you need to deallocate the cursor to release all of the internal resources SQL Server is holding.
-- 1 - Declare Variables
DECLARE @name VARCHAR(50) -- database name 
DECLARE @path VARCHAR(256) -- path for backup files 
DECLARE @fileName VARCHAR(256) -- filename for backup 
DECLARE @fileDate VARCHAR(20) -- used for file name 

-- Initialize Variables
SET @path = 'C:\Backup\' 


-- 2 - Declare Cursor
-- Populate the cursor with your logic
SELECT name 
FROM MASTER.dbo.sysdatabases 
WHERE name NOT IN ('master','model','msdb','tempdb') 

-- Open the Cursor
OPEN db_cursor

-- 3 - Fetch the next record from the cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @name  

-- Set the status for the cursor
	-- 4 - Begin the custom business logic
   	SET @fileName = @path + @name + '_' + @fileDate + '.BAK' 
  	BACKUP DATABASE @name TO DISK = @fileName 

	-- 5 - Fetch the next record from the cursor
 	FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @name 

-- 6 - Close the cursor
CLOSE db_cursor  

-- 7 - Deallocate the cursor
DEALLOCATE db_cursor 

Types of Cursors

There are different types of cursors in sql server as listed below. 

1. Static Cursors

A static cursor populates the result set at the time of cursor creation and the query result is cached for the lifetime of the cursor. A static cursor can move forward and backward direction. A static cursor is slower and use more memory in comparison to other cursor. Hence you should use it only if scrolling is required and other types of cursors are not suitable.

No UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE operations are reflected in a static cursor (unless the cursor is closed and reopened). By default static cursors are scrollable. SQL Server static cursors are always read-only.

2. Dynamic Cursors

A dynamic cursor allows you to see the data updation, deletion and insertion in the data source while the cursor is open. Hence a dynamic cursor is sensitive to any changes to the data source and supports update, delete operations. By default dynamic cursors are scrollable.

3. Forward Only Cursors

A forward only cursor is the fastest cursor among the all cursors but it doesn't support backward scrolling. You can update, delete data using Forward Only cursor. It is sensitive to any changes to the original data source.

There are three more types of Forward Only Cursors.Forward_Only KEYSET, FORWARD_ONLY STATIC and FAST_FORWARD.

FORWARD_ONLY STATIC Cursor is populated at the time of creation and cached the data to the cursor lifetime. It is not sensitive to any changes to the data source.

FAST_FORWARD Cursor is the fastest cursor and it is not sensitive to any changes to the data source.

4. Keyset Driven Cursors

A keyset driven cursor is controlled by a set of unique identifiers as the keys in the keyset. The keyset depends on all the rows that qualified the SELECT statement at the time of the cursor was opened. A keyset driven cursor is sensitive to any changes to the data source and supports update, delete operations. By default keyset driven cursors are scrollable.

Cursor Scope

Microsoft SQL Server supports the GLOBAL and LOCAL keywords on the DECLARE CURSOR statement to define the scope of the cursor name.
  1. GLOBAL - specifies that the cursor name is global to the connection.
  2. LOCAL - specifies that the cursor name is local to the Stored Procedure, trigger, or query that holds the cursor.

Data Fetch Option in Cursors

Microsoft SQL Server supports the following two fetch options for data:
  1. FORWARD_ONLY - Specifies that the cursor can only be scrolled from the first to the last row.
  2. SCROLL - It provides 6 options to fetch the data (FIRST, LAST, PRIOR, NEXT, RELATIVE, and ABSOLUTE).

Why Use a Cursor in SQL Server

Although using an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement to modify all of the applicable data in one transaction is generally the best way to work with data in SQL Server, a cursor may be needed for:

  • Iterating over data one row at a time
  • Completing a process in a serial manner such as SQL Server database backups
  • Updating data across numerous tables for a specific account
  • Correcting data with a predefined set of data as the input to the cursor

Nolock, HOLDLOCK, UPDLOCK, TABLOCK, Tablockx in SQL Server

 1, NOLOCK (without lock)

When this option is selected, SQL Server does not add any locks when reading or modifying data. In this case, it is possible for the user to read the data in the incomplete transaction (uncommited Transaction) or rollback (roll back), known as "dirty data."

2. HOLDLOCK (Hold Lock)

When this option is selected, SQL Server will persist this shared lock to the end of the entire transaction and will not be released on the way.

3, UPDLOCK (Modify the Lock)

When this option is selected, SQL Server uses a modify lock instead of a shared lock when reading data, and holds the lock to the entire transaction or to the end of the command. Using this option ensures that multiple processes can read data at the same time, but only that process can modify the data.

4, TABLOCK (table lock)

When this option is selected, SQL Server will place a shared lock on the entire table until the command ends. This option ensures that other processes can read only and cannot modify the data.

5, Paglock (page lock)

This option is the default option when SQL Server uses a shared page lock when it is selected.

6, Tablockx (row it table lock)

When this option is selected, SQL Server will place an exclusive lock on the entire table until the command or transaction ends. This prevents other processes from reading or modifying the data in the table.

HOLDLOCK holds a shared lock until the entire transaction is complete and should be released immediately when the locked object is not needed, equal to the serializable transaction isolation level

NOLOCK statement execution does not emit a shared lock, allowing dirty reads, equal to the READ UNCOMMITTED transaction isolation LEVEL

Paglock with multiple page locks where a table lock is used

READPAST let SQL Server skip any locking lines, perform transactions, apply to READ UNCOMMITTED transaction isolation LEVEL only skip RID lock, skip page, zone and table lock

Rowlock forcing the use of row locks

Tablockx enforces exclusive table-level locks, which prevent any other transactions from using this table during a transaction

Uplock forcing updates to be used when reading tables without sharing locks

Note: The difference between a table that locks a database

SELECT * from table with (HOLDLOCK) Other transactions can read the table but cannot update and delete

SELECT * from table with (Tablockx) Other transactions cannot read tables, update and delete

What is the difference between TABLOCK and TABLOCKX?

Sort answers like:
TABLOCK means a shared lock (You can select the data anytime)
TABLOCKX means an exclusive lock (You can’t access the table until it finishes the execution)
TABLOCK is used for operations that do not change the data
TABLOCKX is used for the data modification operations

Specifies that the acquired lock is applied at the table level. The type of lock that is acquired depends on the statement being executed. For example, a SELECT statement may acquire a shared lock. By specifying TABLOCK, the shared lock is applied to the entire table instead of at the row or page level. If HOLDLOCK is also specified, the table lock is held until the end of the transaction.

Specifies that exclusive locks are to be taken and held until the transaction completes. If specified with ROWLOCK, PAGLOCK, or TABLOCK, the exclusive locks apply to the appropriate level of granularity.

Specifies that an exclusive lock is taken on the table.


What NOLOCK Does?


What does the SQL Server NOLOCK hint do?

  • It is an explicit command, which directly specify for particular table or a view.
  • It is similar to Nolock hint. It does not use locks against table’s data, once the command is issued.
  • The NOLOCK hint allows SQL to read data from tables by ignoring any locks and therefore not get blocked by other processes.
  • With the help of the NOLOCK table hint, we can read locked objects (row, page or table) which are locked by open transactions. 
  • The NOLOCK hint overrides the default behavior of the SQL Server query optimizer so that the select statement can read the locked objects.
  • This can improve query performance by removing the blocks, but introduces the possibility of dirty reads.
  • The benefit of using With Nolock is that, no deadlock is encountered against the table’s queries running against the table; also, there is no need to hold the locks against the data, which will save the memory space.
  • While using WITH (nolock) there is no need to do anything with subqueries. However, you can use it with single or subqueries. The Readuncommited and WITH (nolock) are similar as transaction isolation level. But, using WITH (nolock) could be unsafe, because it will return inconsistent result

What is Deadlock in Sql Server

In a database, a deadlock occurs when two or more processes have a resource locked, and each process requests a lock on the resource that another process has already locked. Neither of the transactions here can move forward, as each one is waiting for the other to release the lock. The following diagram explains this.

SQL Server deadlock example

When deadlocks occur, SQL Server will choose one of processes as the deadlock victim and rollback that process, so the other process can move forward. The transaction that is chosen as the deadlock victim will produce the following error.
Msg 1205, Level 13, State 51, Line 1
Transaction (Process ID 57) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

Let us look at this in action. We will use the following 2 tables for this example.

SQL script to create the tables and populate them with test data
Create table TableA
    Id int identity primary key,
    Name nvarchar(50)

Insert into TableA values ('Mark')

Create table TableB
    Id int identity primary key,
    Name nvarchar(50)

Insert into TableB values ('Mary')


The following 2 transactions will result in a dead lock. Open 2 instances of SQL Server Management studio. From the first window execute Transaction 1 code and from the second window execute Transaction 2 code.

-- Transaction 1
Begin Tran
Update TableA Set Name = 'Mark Transaction 1' where Id = 1

-- From Transaction 2 window execute the first update statement

Update TableB Set Name = 'Mary Transaction 1' where Id = 1

-- From Transaction 2 window execute the second update statement
Commit Transaction

-- Transaction 2
Begin Tran
Update TableB Set Name = 'Mark Transaction 2' where Id = 1

-- From Transaction 1 window execute the second update statement

Update TableA Set Name = 'Mary Transaction 2' where Id = 1

-- After a few seconds notice that one of the transactions complete
-- successfully while the other transaction is made the deadlock victim

Commit Transaction

How SQL Server detects deadlocks

Lock monitor thread in SQL Server, runs every 5 seconds by default to detect if there are any deadlocks. If the lock monitor thread finds deadlocks, the deadlock detection interval will drop from 5 seconds to as low as 100 milliseconds depending on the frequency of deadlocks. If the lock monitor thread stops finding deadlocks, the Database Engine increases the intervals between searches to 5 seconds.

What happens when a deadlock is detected
When a deadlock is detected, the Database Engine ends the deadlock by choosing one of the threads as the deadlock victim. The deadlock victim's transaction is then rolled back and returns a 1205 error to the application. Rolling back the transaction of the deadlock victim releases all locks held by that transaction. This allows the other transactions to become unblocked and move forward.

By default, SQL Server chooses a transaction as the deadlock victim that is least expensive to roll back. However, a user can specify the priority of sessions in a deadlock situation using the SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY statement. The session with the lowest deadlock priority is chosen as the deadlock victim.


1. The default is Normal
2. Can be set to LOW, NORMAL, or HIGH
3. Can also be set to a integer value in the range of -10 to 10.
LOW : -5
HIGH : 5

What is the deadlock victim selection criteria
1. If the DEADLOCK_PRIORITY is different, the session with the lowest priority is selected as the victim
2. If both the sessions have the same priority, the transaction that is least expensive to rollback is selected as the victim
3. If both the sessions have the same deadlock priority and the same cost, a victim is chosen randomly

Difference between snapshot isolation and read committed snapshot

Difference between Repeatable Read and Serializable Isolation Level


Difference between repeatable read and serializable
Repeatable read prevents only non-repeatable read. Repeatable read isolation level ensures that the data that one transaction has read, will be prevented from being updated or deleted by any other transaction, but it doe not prevent new rows from being inserted by other transactions resulting in phantom read concurrency problem.

Serializable prevents both non-repeatable read and phantom read problems. Serializable isolation level ensures that the data that one transaction has read, will be prevented from being updated or deleted by any other transaction. It also prevents new rows from being inserted by other transactions, so this isolation level prevents both non-repeatable read and phantom read problems.

How to Overcome the Concurrency Problems in SQL Server? What are the Different Isolation Levels available in SQL Server


How to Overcome the Concurrency Problems in SQL Server?

To overcome the above Concurrency Problems, SQL Server provides different types of Transaction Isolation Levels, to balance the concurrency problems and performance depending on our application’s need. The Transaction Isolation Levels provided by SQL Server are as follows

  1. Read Uncommitted
  2. Read Committed
  3. Repeatable Read
  4. Snapshot
  5. Serializable

The isolation level that you choose for your transaction, defines the degree to which one transaction must be isolated from resource or data modifications made by other transactions. Depending on the isolation level you have chosen you get varying degrees of performance and concurrency problems. The table here has the list of isoltaion levels along with concurrency side effects.

Isolation LevelDirty ReadsLost UpdateNonrepeatable ReadsPhantom Reads
Read Uncommitted
Read Committed
Repeatable Read

If you choose the lowest isolation level (i.e Read Uncommitted), it increases the number of concurrent transactions that can be executed at the same time, but the down side is you have all sorts of concurrency issues. On the other hand if you choose the highest isolation level (i.e Serializable), you will have no concurrency side effects, but the downside is that, this will reduce the number of concurrent transactions that can be executed at the same time if those transactions work with same data.

These 5 isolation levels work on two major concurrency models:

  1. Pessimistic model - In the pessimistic model of managing concurrent data access, the readers can block writers, and the writers can block readers.
  2. Optimistic model - In the optimistic model of managing concurrent data access, the readers cannot block writers, and the writers cannot block readers, but the writer can block another writer.

Note that readers are users are performing the SELECT operations. Writers are users are performing INSERT, ALTER, UPDATE, S.E.T. operations.

Out of the five isolation levels, Read Uncommitted, Read Committed, Repeatable Read, and Serializable come under the pessimistic concurrency model. Snapshot comes under the optimistic concurrency model. These levels are ordered in terms of the separation of work by two different processes, from minimal separation to maximal.

Let's look at each of these isolation levels and how they affect concurrency of operations.

Read Uncommitted

This is the first level of isolation, and it comes under the pessimistic model of concurrency. In Read Uncommitted, one transaction is allowed to read the data that is about to be changed by the commit of another process. Read Uncommitted allows the dirty read problem.

When this level is set, the transaction can read uncommitted data resulting in the Dirty Read problem. With this isolation level, we allow a transaction to read the data which is being updated by other transaction and not yet committed. Suppose User A is trying to read a row which is being updated by User B. Here, we are allowing User A to read the un-updated/uncommitted data i.e old data.


  3. BEGIN TRANSACTION MyTransaction  
  4. BEGIN TRY  
  5. UPDATE Account SET Debit=100 WHERE Name='John Cena'  
  6. UPDATE ContactInformation SET Mobile='1234567890' WHERE Name='The Rock'  
  7. COMMIT TRANSACTION MyTransaction  
  9. END TRY  
  11. ROLLBACK TRANSACTION MyTransaction  
  13. END CATCH  

Read Committed

This is the second level of isolation and also falls under the pessimistic model of concurrency. In the Read Committed isolation level, we are only allowed to read data that is committed, which means this level eliminates the dirty read problem. In this level, if you are reading data then the concurrent transactions that can delete or write data, some work is blocked until other work is complete.

  1. This prevents Dirty Read. When this level is set, the transaction can not read the data that is being modified by the current transaction. This will force user to wait for the current transaction to finish up its job. Suppose User A is trying to read a row which is being updated by User B. Here, we are asking User A to wait for the User B to finish its update task, and giving the updated/correct data to User A. But the problem with this level is - it can't resolve Phantom Read or Inconsistency Analysis i.e it asks User A to wait for Read but not for update or insert.

    3. BEGIN TRANSACTION MyTransaction  
    4. BEGIN TRY  
    5. UPDATE Account SET Debit=100 WHERE Name='John Cena'  
    6. UPDATE ContactInformation SET Mobile='1234567890' WHERE Name='The Rock'  
    7. COMMIT TRANSACTION MyTransaction  
    9. END TRY  
    10. BEGIN CATCH  
    11. ROLLBACK TRANSACTION MyTransaction  
    13. END CATCH  

Repeatable Read

The Repeatable Read isolation level is similar to the Read Committed level and eliminates the Non-Repeatable Read problem. In this level, the transaction has to wait till another transaction's update or read query is complete. But if there is an insert transaction, it does not wait for anyone. This can lead to the Phantom Read problem.

This level does every work that Read Committed does. but it has one additional benefit. User A will wait for the transaction being executed by User B to execute it's Update query as well, like Read Query. But Insert query doesn't wait, this also creates Phantom Read problem.




This is the highest level of isolation in the pessimistic model. By implementing this level of isolation, we can prevent the Phantom Read problem. In this level of isolation, we can ask any transaction to wait until the current transaction completes.

This is the maximum level of Isolation level provided by SQL Server transaction. We can prevent Phantom Read problem by implementing this level of isolation. It asks User A to wait for the current transaction for any kind of operation he wants to perform.




Snapshot follows the optimistic model of concurrency, and this level of isolation takes a snapshot of the current data and uses it as a copy for the different transactions. Here each transaction has its copy of data, so if a user tries to perform a transaction like an update or insert, it asks him to re-verify all the operation before the process gets started executing.

This level takes a snapshot of current data. Every transaction works on its own copy of data. When User A tries to update or insert or read anything, we ask him to re-verify the table row once again from the starting time of its execution, so that he can work on fresh data. with this level. We are not giving full faith to User A that he is going to work on fresh data but giving high-level changes of data integrity.



Note: Isolation level also has a problem called "Dead Lock"- "Both the transactions lock the object and waits for each other to finish up the job". DeadLock is very dangerous because it decreases the concurrency and availability of database and the database object.