There are several ways in sql server, to retrieve the last identity value that is generated. The most common way is to use SCOPE_IDENTITY() built in function.

Apart, from using SCOPE_IDENTITY(), you also have 
@@IDENTITY and IDENT_CURRENT('TableName') function.

Example queries for getting the last generated identity value
Select IDENT_CURRENT('tblPerson')

Let's now understand the difference between, these 3 approaches.

SCOPE_IDENTITY() returns the last identity value that is created in the same session (Connection) and in the same scope (in the same Stored procedure, function, trigger). Let's say, I have 2 tables tblPerson1 and tblPerson2, and I have a trigger on tblPerson1 table, which will insert a record into tblPerson2 table. Now, when you insert a record into tblPerson1 table,  SCOPE_IDENTITY() returns the idetentity value that is generated in tblPerson1 table, where as @@IDENTITY returns, the value that is generated in tblPerson2 table. So, @@IDENTITY returns the last identity value that is created in the same session without any consideration to the scope. IDENT_CURRENT('tblPerson') returns the last identity value created for a specific table across any session and any scope.

In brief:
SCOPE_IDENTITY() - returns the last identity value that is created in the same session and in the same scope.
@@IDENTITY - returns the last identity value that is created in the same session and across any scope.
IDENT_CURRENT('TableName') - returns the last identity value that is created for a specific table across any session and any scope.
