1. SELECT 'a'+a SELECT '1'+1
  2. Can illustrate index accept 0 (zero)
  3. Explain indexed view
  4. There are three Stored procedures SP1, SP2, SP3.
 All three procedures has transactions.
SP1 calling SP2,  SP2 calling SP3
SP3 has error, then can SP1 execute sucessfully?
  1. Which is faster delete or truncate
  2. What is filtered index?
  3. What is clustered index?
  4. String “you, are, doing, great, work”
How to calculate each word length? Ex. length you=2, length are=3 etc
  1. Explain Union and union all?  differences between them
  2. What is identity column?
Tab1 Tab2
Id1 Col2 Id2 Col2
1 A 3 P
2 B 5 Q
4 C 6 R
6 D 1 S

I want to Insert Tab2 data into Tab1, Both Id1 and Id2 columns are identity column. What will happen while inserting data?

  1. Difference between VARCHAR and NVARCHAR
  2. How to find second highest salary?
  3. I want to insert value in Col D by Dividing Column B/C.How to insert this without any error
1 5 0 NULL
2 6 0 NULL
3 7 2 NULL
4 8 3 NULL

  1. Which are stored procedures you developed in your project?
  2. Difference between temporary table,  table variable and CTE
  3. Explain query Optimisation
  4. Explain performance tuning
  5. Explain error handling
  6.  Explain different operators available in execution plan
  7. How to calculate table size?
  8. Explain additional features in SQL server 2016?
  9. How we can see temporary tables created in database?