1. Difference between UNION and UNION ALL
  2. Difference between Temp Table, Table Variable and CTE
  3. Difference between Drill Down and Drill Through Reports
  4. Explain Cascading Parameters in SSRS
  5. How to set color in SSRS? Which Property we can use?
  6. Difference between UNION and JOIN
  7. Is there any Replacement for SORT in SSIS
  8. When to use UNION and When to use JOIN?
  9. How to Create Dynamic Connection in SSIS?
  10. How to put data of two datasets in one Tablix?
  11. What is Breakpoint and Checkpoint? Explain its uses and Properties?
  12. How will you configure SSIS Packages?
  13. How many types of Deployment methods?
  14. Explain Indexing in detail
  15. What are the different types of Transformations you have used?
  16. Difference between Tablix and Matrix
  17. Explain Workflow of SSRS
  18. What is Report builder in SSRS?
  19. What is meant by Dataset and What are the different types of Datasets?
  20. What is CTE?
  21. How to Delete Duplicate Records?
  22. Difference between ROW_NUMBER(), RANK() and DENSE_RANK()
  23. What is meant by Heap Table? What is Table Scan?
  24. What is Referential Integrity Cascade? What are the different types?
  25. What is Intelligent Joins?