
1. Power bi- dax functions, difference between sum,sumx.

2.what is RLS. What is measure and calculated column.

3.what is related and relatedtable

4.How to load ftp location latest file in ssis ?filename dont have dates.

5.Loading 5 files to table and pkg failed at 3rd file,how to rollback or load only remaining file.

6.what is factless fact tables and what is use of it.

7.what is transactions in ssis.

8.what is scd-2.

9.what is use of Checkpoints, how to configure.

10.what are magic tables in sql.

11.What is column store index.

12.How to implement Table partitioning.

13.what is difference between table scan,Index scan, index seek.

14.what is batch size in ssis data flow.

15.what is lookup component and explain types of cache. to optimize Ssis pkg

15.What are types of Ssrs reports. 

16.Have 10million records in db table , how to run ssrs report faster.