Companywise Interview Questions
Saama Technologies Interview Questions - 1
1. If inserted data of firstname into lastname and vice versa mistakenly, then how you will correct it?
2. If a table consist of identity column and reached max size then how you will solve it?
3. If there is an employee table consisting diff designations like manager teamlead and developer and I want
manual sorting then how you will achieve it?
4. Join of tables with 3 records and table consisting of 0 records will be?
5. Questions based on scope of CTE select statement.
6. Can we use table variable in dynamic scripts?
7. What is the toughest challenge you have faced while writing dynamic scripts?
8. When n how to use No lock query optimizer?
9. Have you worked on query execution plan?
Que on joins,
All join types
Transaction in ssis
Check points
Diff between both
Property of checkpoint
Ssis configuration
Deployment steps
When we will run the package what happened if breakpoints is used
How we will configure if checkpoint is there
Rollback truncatiin
Delete diff
Workflow related questions
How many parallel components we can use in ssis
Logging in ssis
Full asynchronous
Diff between Partial and full
Merge and merge join
Sort transformation ... Why this is in full blocking
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