1. Local Temp tables are prefixed with single pound (#) symbol, where as gloabl temp tables are prefixed with 2 pound (##) symbols.

2. SQL Server appends some random numbers at the end of the local temp table name, where this is not done for global temp table names.

3. Local temporary tables are only visible to that session of the SQL Server which has created it, where as Global temporary tables are visible to all the SQL server sessions

4. Local temporary tables are automatically dropped, when the session that created the temporary tables is closed, where as Global temporary tables are destroyed when the last connection that is referencing the global temp table is closed.

How to check if the local temporary table is created
Temporary tables are created in the TEMPDB. Query the sysobjects system table in TEMPDB. The name of the table, is suffixed with lot of underscores and a random number. For this reason you have to use the LIKE operator in the query.
Select name from tempdb..sysobjects 
where name like '#PersonDetails%'

Ref: http://csharp-video-tutorials.blogspot.com/2012/09/temporary-tables-in-sql-server-part-34.html