A subquery is simply a select statement, that returns a single value and can be nested inside a SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement. 

It is also possible to nest a subquery inside another subquery.

According to MSDN, subqueries can be nested upto 32 levels.

Subqueries are always encolsed in paranthesis and are also called as inner queries, and the query containing the subquery is called as outer query.

The columns from a table that is present only inside a subquery, cannot be used in the SELECT list of the outer query.

1) Non-Corelated Subquery

sub query is executed first and only once. The sub query results are then used by the outer query. A non-corelated subquery can be executed independently of the outer query.

Select [Id], [Name], [Description]
from tblProducts
where Id not in (Select Distinct ProductId from tblProductSales)

2) CoRelated SubQuery

If the subquery depends on the outer query for its values, then that sub query is called as a correlated subquery. In the where clause of the subquery below, "ProductId" column get it's value from tblProducts table that is present in the outer query. So, here the subquery is dependent on the outer query for it's value, hence this subquery is a correlated subquery. Correlated subqueries get executed, once for every row that is selected by the outer query. Corelated subquery, cannot be executed independently of the outer query.

Select [Name],
(Select SUM(QuantitySold) from tblProductSales where ProductId = tblProducts.Id) as TotalQuantity
from tblProducts
order by Name