IN vs. EXISTS Comparison Chart

The following comparison chart explains their main differences in a quick manner:

SNIN OperatorEXISTS Operator
1.It is used to minimize the multiple OR conditions.It is used to check the existence of data in a subquery. In other words, it determines whether the value will be returned or not.
2.It compares the values between subquery (child query) and parent query.It does not compare the values between subquery and parent query.
3.It scans all values inside the IN block.It stops for further execution once the single positive condition is met.
4.It can return TRUE, FALSE, or NULL. Hence, we can use it to compare NULL values.It returns either TRUE or FALSE. Hence, we cannot use it to compare NULL values.
5.We can use it on subqueries as well as with values.We can use it only on subqueries.
6.It executes faster when the subquery result is less.It executes faster when the subquery result is large. It is more efficient than IN because it processes Boolean values rather than values itself.
Syntax to use IN clause:
SELECT col_names 
FROM tab_name 
WHERE col_name IN (subquery);
Syntax to use EXISTS clause:
SELECT col_names
FROM tab_name
WHERE [NOT] EXISTS (subquery);
